
Unixy on the fruity side

Contact Information


Download a vCard for your address book.

The following contact options are run by MacLemon on our own servers.


I offer content encryption via GPG. Please keep in mind that email metadata, like sender’s and all recipient’s addresses, Subject, timestamps and all other email header data cannot be encrypted. We run our own email servers which default to using transport encryption via TLS/STARTTLS for SMTP as long as your email provider supports it as well.

Pepi Zawodsky
Download PGP Key BC81 E1ED A963 EBF4 6D6A E7EA 9869 59F0 4139 98E2
(Replaces Key ID 713F009615BB9ABE from 2004-12-12)

Download GPG public key PGP Fingerprint: 8B0C 654F ED6C 660A 8115 B57E 0D2B 2BB5 E5D1 FB6E

Download GPG public key:
PGP Fingerprint: 8841 3347 7FCA 044E 4BDB  B111 B5F9 63C3 8251 AE43

Chat/Messaging: Matrix

We run our own instance of a Matrix server. All Client-to-Server and Server-to-Server federation communication requires the use of transport security via TLS.

Megolm End-to-End Encryption is available.

Matrix user ID:
* JHIQHPIBNI: qF9fkntqnDY58WP2Zfq9lFTzYcnpqa6Y5ZF/95Avpg0


We run our own XMPP/Jabber server instance. All Client-to-Server and Server-to-Server federation communication requires the use of transport security via TLS.

OTR End-to-End Encryption is available.
OTR Fingerprint: F5F179B7 32C478C3 DEFC915D 782BBB8D 3BB24D29

Encrypted Messaging via 3rd Party services

I do not run these services and using them is subject to terms and conditions of the respective services. I only use these services for personal and private communication. The authentication information here is provided for verification purposes only.

For private use only: Threema

According to the FAQ the use of Threema is only for private and personal communication. We do not use it for business communication. The information reproduced here is just for verification purposes of my encryption information for private communication.

Threema is run by Threema GmbH in Switzerland which is subject to a Adequacy decision of the European data protection supervisor. The End-to-End encrypted communication service provided by Threema will pass servers in Switzerland.

Threema ID: EYKUXB8D (Fingerprint: 7c2919277af61c6c656ae36f22c05fa5)

For private use only: Signal

Signal is run by Open Whisper Systems in the USA which is subject to a Adequacy decision of the European data protection supervisor. The End-to-End encrypted communication service provided by Signal will pass servers in the USA.

Signal (iOS)/Signal (Android)
* Fingerprint: 05 f2 8d 34 59 4a 39 2b 63 55 5f 5b c5 6e ce 54 4e 2c 62 c7 52 86 2a 8d b3 ae 9b 24 20 56 b3 c8 42
* My half of our safety numbers: 00924 14314 22117 62063 10688 29350
Learn more about how to verify these safety numbers

Unencrypted Plaintext

We discourage the use of unencrypted communications means in favor of the aforementioned encrypted ones that better protect your privacy and data.

These means should only used when encrypted communication is not possible on your side. Keep in mind that these means are easily eavesdropped on and can not provide any confidentiality, integrity or authenticity of communication.


Phone: +43 699 109 28 533
Voice calls and SMS are plaintext and easily eaves dropped on, please use an encrypted means instead!
This number is also enabled for encrypted calls via Signal on iOS and Signal for Android on the Google Play Store as well as encrypted text messages.